Licenses Pricing for Individuals

Individual License Free Basic Deputy Visionary Ambassador
Advertizing Yes - - - -
VIP Authentication - Yes Yes Yes Yes
Profile(s) 0 1 3 5 Unlimited
Stealth IDA Stealth ID is a unique reference that permits members to share that they are authenticated without sharing any personal information or only selected information.
3 5 10 25 Unlimited
VlinksVLink is a secure and convenient way to communicate with others without exposing your personal information. VLink lets you choose what information you want to share and what you want to keep private.
10 50 100 250 Unlimited
ZK QRZero Knowledge QR allows members to authenticate URLs or their social media accounts and other web pages without sharing private identity information with the social media company.
10 50 100 250 Unlimited
Verified Picture 0 1 3 5 Unlimited
Counterparty Watch / Negative Media 0 1 5 10 50
Phone Name Verification 0 3 5 10 25
Scan2FindWeb3 Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) tags
0 3 5 10 5
Vo2Tech Physical card
0 0 1 1 1
Free Nexus Wallet Universal wallet for all asset classes, enabling fiat, crypto and securities to be sent
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support Basic Basic Premium Premium Premium
Cost / Year Free $34.99 $100 $250 $1,000